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In the canton of San Juan, in the heart of the Osa peninsula (CR), Rafael lives in total isolation and supports himself only through agriculture and livestock farming. In April 2023, one of his calves disappeared at night without leaving any trace. To better understad what happened, he decided to contact the Osa Conservation's team of "Rainforest protectors " who, after having patrolled the surrounding areas, carefully read the animal tracks and positioned a camera trap, discovered that the young bovine was the victim of a puma attack. It was therefore decided to create a covered enclosure that could contain the calves during the night, using wooden poles for the structural part, metal panels for the roof and multiple layers of wire mesh to close the perimeter.The choice to act in this way, although in hindsight it may appear obvious and effective, breaks away from the canonical methods of resolving conflicts with wildlife typical of these places, which usually end with the persecution and killing of problematic species. Rafael therefore becomes an emblematic example of coexistence between man and wildlife in the rural areas of one of the richest places in biodiversity on the planet.

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